4 résultats
NEWSThe new CICME logo

The new CICME logo

We are very happy to share with you all the new CICME official logo! It was created by a local designer and represent the sharing and caring spirit of CICME while featuring the Romduol flower, one of the symbol of Cambodia (you can learn more about it here for example).


Cambodia Mentoring Journal

The CICME 23 event will be the occasion to officially launch the Cambodia Mentoring Journal! The online publication freely distribute scholarship around mentoring that could be relevant to Cambodian educators and all those who support them. You can already visit the website at: www.cmj.uqam.ca. The journal is open to submissions, which will be internally reviewed by …


Welcome to CICME 2023

Welcome to CICME 2023 We are currently preparing to hold an hybrid CICME with speakers and attendee both online and in Phom Penh, November 22-24. For more information, to register or submit, or to participate on the day of the event, go to the CIMCM2023 event website! www.tiny.cc/cicme23 or https://events.fourwaves.com/cicme23